?https://www.traditionrolex.com/44 https://www.traditionrolex.com/44 https://www.traditionrolex.com/44 LEONIDAS DONSKIS


Articles et publications

How We Lost Armenia

How We Lost Armenia

Septembre 20, 2013

What happened recently to Armenia was nothing more or less than a slap in the face of the EU. Russia proved once again a master of political intrigue making and geopolitical manipulations by making Armenia surrender in the game over strategic partnership for the future. It dealt a blow to the EU`s entire Eastern Partnership Program. (Continue...)

Does the Baltic Region Exist?

Does the Baltic Region Exist?

Août 12, 2010

By Leonidas Donskis
What is the relationship between Lithuania and the other two Baltic nations? It differs from Latvia and Estonia in more than one way. No matter how rich in historically formed religious communities and minorities it is, Catholic Lithuania, due to its historic liaisons with Poland and other Central and East European nations, is much more of an East-Central European nation than Lutheran Latvia and Estonia. Therefore, it would be quite misleading to assume seemingly identical paths by the Baltic States to their role and place in modern history.(Tęsti...)

We are Faster than History, yet Slower than a Lifetime

We are Faster than History, yet Slower than a Lifetime

Décembre 06, 2010

By Leonidas Donskis
Interestingly enough, the “faster than history” idiom acquires a special meaning when dealing with social change in Central and Eastern Europe. The speed of time in what Czeslaw Milosz and Milan Kundera, each in his own way, described as “yet another Europe,” is beyond the historical, cultural, and political imaginations of Western Europeans and North Americans.(Tęsti...)
