?https://www.traditionrolex.com/44 https://www.traditionrolex.com/44 https://www.traditionrolex.com/44 Unpopular providences: political commentary and essays - LEONIDAS DONSKIS

Unpopular providences: political commentary and essays

Original title: "Nepopuliarios įžvalgos: politikos komentarai ir esė" - 2009 m.
“Unpopular providences” is a collection of essays and etudes of social critique. This book emphasises the changed mode of the author’s writing style and tone. It seems like the time of writing with unhidden optimism, when one had to support, encourage and calm the surroundings, has passed.

When you observe worrying developments around you, it is possible to close your eyes and pretend that nothing is happening. Society has found itself at the crossroads, where every one of our moral and political decisions could be fateful. That is why it is vital for the author to publish not only what gives readers pleasure or guarantees his popularity. It is important to proclaim unpopular providences which will cause pain to many of my readers. If I behave differently, I will start conflicting with my conscience. It is important to know how to be unpopular. I have heard this from my own teacher, great thinker, sociologist and theorist on civilizations Vytautas Kavolis. He talked about “Santara-Šviesa” as an unpopular agency. On the other hand, my very good colleague and authority figure Tomas Venclova has also written about the unpleasant and hurting truth, a truth which must be proclaimed to one`s own country. That is why you have in front of you these unpopular providences.

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