Original title: "Viskas, ką jūs visada norėjote žinoti apie politiką (bet bijojote paklausti)" (in Lithuanian) (Read more...)
99 storie del Baltico (in Italian). Novi Ligure: Joker, 2014. 218 p. (Read more...)
Das Ende von Ideologie und Utopie? (in German). Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2014. 277 p. (Read more...)
Freiheit und Zugehörigkeit: Europäischer Kanon, kulturelle Identität und postmoderne Krise (in German). Heidelberg: Springer VS, 2014. 342 p. (Read more...)
Original titile: "Моральна сліпота. Втрата чутливості у плинній сучасності “ (in Ukrainian). Kiev: Дух і Літера, 2014. 280 p. (Read more...)
Original title: "Forme ale urii. Imaginația bântuită a filosofiei și literaturii moderne" (in Romanian). Targoviste: Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2014. 344 p. (Read more...)
"A Small Map of Experience: Reflections and Aphorisms". Toronto: Guernica, 2013. 75 p. (Read more...)
"Moral Blindness: the Loss of Sensivity in Liquid Modernity". Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 2013. 224 p. (Read more...)
"Fifty Letters from the Troubled Modern World A Philosophical-Political Diary 2009-2012". Nordhausen: Verlag T. Bautz GmbH, 2013. (Read more...)
Original title: "Piccola mappa esperienziale. Aforismi, intuizioni, piccole storie" (in Italian) (Read more...)
"Yet Another Europe after 1984: Rethinking Milan Kundera and the Idea of Central Europe" (edited by L. Donskis). Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2012. 240 p. (Read more...)
"Politics Otherwise: Shakespeare as Social and Political Critique" (edited by L. Donskis and J.D. Mininger). Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2012. 200 p. (Read more...)
Original title "Putere și imaginație. Studii de politică și literatură" (in Romanian) (Read more...)
Original title: "Susitikimai: akimirkos portretai" (in Lithuanian) (Read more...)
Original title "Potere e immaginazione. Studi di politica e letteratura" (in Italian) (Read more...)
Original title "Влада та уява. Студії з питань політики та літератури" (in Ukrainian) (Read more...)
Original title: "Niccolo Machiavelli: galios trajektorijos" (in Lithuanian) (Read more...)