
Lithuanian liberalism II

Lithuanian liberalism II

Original title: "Lietuviškasis liberalizmas II" (in Lithuanian) (Read more...)

The Little Europe: a Map of an Aesthete

The Little Europe: a Map of an Aesthete

Original title: "Mažoji Europa: esteto žemėlapis" (in Lithuanian) (Read more...)

Fiction  of Power: from Machiavelli to Milan Kundera

Fiction of Power: from Machiavelli to Milan Kundera

Original title: "Belletristik der Macht: Von Machiavelli bis Milan Kundera" (in German) (Read more...)

Modernity in Crisis: A Dialogue on the Culture of Belonging

Modernity in Crisis: A Dialogue on the Culture of Belonging

"Modernity in Crisis: A Dialogue on the Culture of Belonging". New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 216 p. (Read more...)

Power, imagination, memory: studies in politics and literature

Power, imagination, memory: studies in politics and literature

Original title: "Galia, vaizduotė ir atmintis: politikos ir literatūros etiudai" (in Lithuanian) (Read more...)

Niccolò Machiavelli: History, Power, and Virtue

Niccolò Machiavelli: History, Power, and Virtue

"Niccolò Machiavelli: History, Power, and Virtue“. Rodopi, Amsterdam, New York , 2011. 114 pp. ISBN 978 90 420 3277 4 (Read more...)

Troubled Identity and the Modern World

Troubled Identity and the Modern World

Original title: "Збентежена ідентичність і сучасний світ" (in Ukrainian) (Read more...)

The Power of Individuality and Community: the Collection for a Young Reader

The Power of Individuality and Community: the Collection for a Young Reader

Original title: "Individualybės ir bendrystės galios: rinktinė jaunajam skaitytojui" (in Lithuanian) (Read more...)

Love, Hatred and Dissent

Love, Hatred and Dissent

Original title: "Armastus, vihkamine ja vastuseis" (in Estonian)  (Read more...)

Mapping My Experience: Some Minor Forms

Mapping My Experience: Some Minor Forms

Original title: "Mažasis patirties žemėlapis: mintys ir aforizmai“. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2010. 112 p.: illustrations. ISBN 978-9955-34-266-3 An aphorism means at the same time a space for dialogue - an open and unfinished thought which permanently asks the reader to come back to it, to go beyond ellipsis and reticence, because the author leaves them as an invitation to get back to his thoughts from time to time. (Read more...)

Civic Education: Textbook for Grade 10

Civic Education: Textbook for Grade 10

Original tite: Pilietinis ugdymas: „Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų 10 klasės vadovėlis “. Vilnius:Versus aureus, 2010. 256 p. ISBN 9955-34-239-0 I wrote this textbook thinking about Gustave Flaubert`s, a French writer`s, novel Sentimental Education (1896). Civil education is impossible without thought or action, neither without feelings or their nurturing. (Read more...)

99 Baltic stories

99 Baltic stories

„99 Baltic Stories“ written by Leonidas Donskis are 99 historical and cultural associations, coupled with memories of Klaipeda`s residents. These are subjects about the Baltic region, outstanding personalities and their contribution to the culture of the modern world. (Read more...)

A Litmus Test Case of Modernity

A Litmus Test Case of Modernity

This volume offers the insights of Baltic and Western European scholars into present socioeconomic, migration, identity, gender, race, media, and historical memory issues in the Baltic States. The book attempts to show the intensity and depth of social, economic and cultural change in the Baltic region. (Read more...)

Troubled Identity and the Modern World

Troubled Identity and the Modern World

The book maps what Leonidas Donskis terms the troubled identity, that is, the identity that constantly needs assurance and confirmation. It is on why and how the search for identity becomes everything for a postmodern person, an identity builder and shifter. (Read more...)

Unpopular providences: political commentary and essays

Unpopular providences: political commentary and essays

Original title: "Nepopuliarios įžvalgos: politikos komentarai ir esė" - 2009 m.“Unpopular providences” is a collection of essays and etudes of social critique. This book emphasises the changed mode of the author’s writing style and tone. It seems like the time of writing with unhidden optimism, when one had to support, encourage and calm the surroundings, has passed. (Read more...)

Sketches of modern cultural philosophy (second edition) -2009

Sketches of modern cultural philosophy (second edition) -2009

Original title: "Moderniosios kultūros filosofijos metmenys (2 asis leidimas)" - 2009 m.Leonidas Donskis. The suspicion that we live in an era of modern barbarism, where the creation of authentic forms of culture has stopped and where only the interpretation of past creations and the analysis of modern appearances, which haunted the representatives of pesimistic cultural philosohpy of the first part of the XX century, has only strenghtened in the beginning of the XXI century. (Read more...)

Power and Imagination: Studies in Politics and Literature

Power and Imagination: Studies in Politics and Literature

Classical and modern literature often reveal more about the organized world`s forms of power and authority structures than do works of political philosophy. What are the origins of political consciousness? How does our understanding of political power and its exercise originate in literature? (Read more...)

Silent alternatives: sketches on social analysis and critique

Silent alternatives: sketches on social analysis and critique

Original title: "Tyliosios alternatyvos: socialinės analizės ir kritikos eskizai" - 2008 m.This book was born from a conscious effort to not accept the social state of logic and pressure which we vaguely describe as a transitional period. It is less and less obvious from where or to where we drift, but in spite of this, we are constantly told that we need to reach a certain state. (Read more...)

L. Amore per l’odio: la produzione del male nelle società moderne. Prefazione di Zygmunt Bauman - 2008 m.

L. Amore per l’odio: la produzione del male nelle società moderne. Prefazione di Zygmunt Bauman - 2008 m.

"L'odio e la paura dell`odio sono antichi quanto il genere umano (forse ancora più antichi...), e le probabilità che la loro eterna familiarità con la condizione umana possa essere interrotta in un prossimo futuro appaiono alquanto scarse, sempreché ve ne siano. (Read more...)

20th century man: portraits of Aleksandr Strom

20th century man: portraits of Aleksandr Strom

Original title: "XX amžiaus žmogus: Aleksandro Štromo portretai" - 2008 m."Editor – Leonidas Donskis. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2008. 352 p. (Read more...)
