Original title: "Taip, bet... Nepolitologiniai svarstymai apie politiką" - 2007 m. (Read more...)
Original title: "Be pykčio: vienerių metų minčių žemėlapis" - 2006 m.Leonidas Donskis – philosopher, political and cultural commentator, publicist, co-author and presenter of TV show “Without Anger” - wrote this book as a collection of analytical essays about Lithuanian political life, the changes of the European identity and the most important cultural events, combined with critical insights about political culture and the condition of society. (Read more...)
Loyalty and betrayal are among key concepts of the ethic of nationalism. Marriage of state and culture, which seems the essence of the congruence between political power structure and collective identity, usually offers a simple explanation of loyalty and dissent. (Read more...)
Original title: "Tapatybė ir laisvė: trys intelektualiniai portretai" - 2005 m.Leonidas Donskis` Identity and Freedom: three intellectual portraits was written in English and published by one of the most famous academic publishers in London and New York, Routledge. (Read more...)
Original title:"L. Pilietinė visuomenė ir jos priešai: autoritetas, tiesa ir viešoji erdvė XXI amžiaus pradžios Lietuvoje - 2004 m."A book about the political and moral crisis in Lithuania, the main historical changes and attitude of the civil society written by Leonidas Donskis – philosopher, critic of culture, essayist and professor of the Vytautas Magnus University. (Read more...)
This book analyzes such symbolic designs of the modern troubled imagination as the conspiracy theory of society, deterministic concepts of identity and order, antisemitic obsessions, self-hatred, and the myth of the loss of roots. It offers, among other things, the unique East-Central European materials incorporated in a broad, imaginative synthesis and critique of contemporary social analysis. (Read more...)
Identity and Freedom provides a discursive map of Lithuanian liberal nationalism by focusing on the work of three eminent Lithuanian émigré scholars - Vytautas Kavolis, Aleksandras Shtromas and Tomas Venclova. Presenting these critics of society - and also analysing the significant impact of such writers as George Orwell and Czeslaw Milosz on Lithuanian political and cultural dissent - the book elaborates their three models of liberal nationalism as social criticism. Incorporating material which has so far only been available in Lithuanian, Polish and Russian sources, this book will be invaluable for anyone interested in Central and East European politics, culture and society. (Read more...)
Are ideology and utopia exhausted and dead on the threshold of the twenty-first century? According to Leonidas Donskis, they survive in the modern social sciences and humanities as well as in various critiques of society and culture, as the inner spring of the cultural and moral imaginations. (Read more...)